Tiny Souvenirs Can Hold Big Memories

I have a penchant for collecting souvenirs when I travel, especially jewelery. Over the years I have amassed an eclectic collection of pieces ranging in quality from low-end tourist tat, up to pricier jewelry store purchases. Some of the pieces are unashamed advertisements for their country of origin, while others serve as subtler reminders of past trips and adventures.

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I also have a massive collection of post cards, wall hangings and posters, which deserve an image gallery in their own right, but as these currently reside in boxes at my mother-in-law’s place in the UK, I’ll have to wait till 2015 to give them an airing. Still, between my photos, this blog and smaller pieces like the collection of jewelry, I’m sure I’ll have enough to keep those memories sharp all through the dull, grey, Canadian winter.

Hat tip to PJ Fossen, whose blog keeps inspiring me and whose post on traveling lightly made me want to rifle through my own jewelery box to see what tiny mementos I’d amassed over the years. Taking a look through a collection of souvenirs is always a great way to revisit those places and sights you loved the first time around, while hopefully giving you a nudge to start planning the next adventure! Paris anyone?